Recent Events

We hold many events during the year aimed at our children and young people but we do not include images of them here in line with our safeguarding policy.

Collection for THAT Harvest 2024

Harvest Collection for THAT 2024

Harvest Collection for THAT 2024

As part of our thanks to God for his provision we have regular collections for THAT.

Thank you to all those who donated both goods it more than filled the boot of the car. It will all be greatly appreciated by local families in need.

Photos from some of our Easter Events.

Our craft group crocheted and knitted baskets for Easter eggs to give to children attending our Kilts, Messy Church and Sunday groups.

Easter Egg Baskets
Photographer: KCBC

Some of our members took part in the Christians Together Walk of Witness in Newton Abbot. Some then danced as part of the celebration (shown here dancing to Light of the World).

Date taken: 29/03/2024

Our more hardy souls worshiped the rising of The Son on Easter Sunday with a sunrise service by the River Teign.

Son Rise Service
Photographer: Emily Graydon
Date taken: 31/03/2024

Christian Response to Eastern Europe (CR2EE) collections

Christian Response to Eastern Europe cr2ee

When CRR2EE started sending aid to Ukraine at the start of the invasion they were concerned that they would be spreading themselves too thin, but the response has been truly amazing. They were sending three lorries of aid a year but now are able to send seven each year! They are also able to help in other ways due to the cash donations being made.
Thank you for your ongoing support, as one of the ministers said, “You are not just giving us aid you are giving us hope and reminding us that someone cares!”

Please could you continue to pray for the following:
• For the pastors who are ministering in a war-torn country both at home and on the front line that they may know God’s strength and peace.
• For all the families divided by the war that they too may know God’s strength and peace.
• For CR2EE’s new mobile medical team as they travel the country giving assistance to those unable to pay for care.

Since Hugh came to talk to KCBC about CR2EE in 2022, Nick and Sarah have taken a carload (sometimes a trailer too) of aid to the warehouse in Exmouth each month. They are aware members of the fellowship have supported the charity in other ways too. Thank you KCBC for your support it really does make an enormous difference to the individuals and families who receive it. Nick and Sarah will continue to go to the warehouse on the first Wednesday of the month so please do carry on bringing any items you wish to donate to church.
If you would like further information or have anything to donate Nick & Sarah would be only too pleased to hear from you.
How you can help (171Kb)
Christian Response to Eastern Europe cr2ee

Some of the wonderful comments from those who participated in the KILTS Travelling Nativity - thanks to all those who helped make this possible.

“Thank you again for the delightful Nativity set. Both my girls love it and love reading the book and using the knitted characters. Beautiful decorations as well.”
“Merry Christmas – our second year having the nativity and we love it still! Our daughter and her dad had a lovely time playing with it. Beautiful decorations as well! We will miss not having it next year!”
“Merry Christmas – Our little boy loved acting out the Christmas story with the characters. What a lovely thing to do! Thank you and thank you for the little knitted angel hanging from our tree.”
“Merry Christmas Everyone – Thank you so much for doing this for them, our daughter loves playing with it. Have a great time all!”
“Merry Christmas to everyone at KILTs – The girls and I have had a lovely time playing with this and reading the books. It was out before breakfast! Thank you so much for doing it and all the great things throughout the year.”
“Merry Christmas Everyone - Thank you for the Travelling Nativity – the kids loved it! We look forward to seeing you again in the New Year.”
“The girls have really enjoyed borrowing this again, thank you! We enjoyed playing with the travelling nativity and acting out the story. I liked Mary and Jesus best, love from E aged 7 – I liked them all, from A aged 4. Lovely Christingle Messy Church too, thank you.”
“Merry Christmas Everyone – Thank you for all the amazing things you have arranged this year and over the 7 years we have been coming to KILTS play group and Messy Church. Our two children have enjoyed it all. This Nativity is a fantastic idea and we have had lots of fun acting out the stories (even with a little improvisation!). It has also been lovely meeting many new faces and other parents at the groups. We hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and we look forward to seeing you all in the new year. Many thanks. Thank you for the Nativity set I had fun from E aged 7.”

Photos from some of our Christmas Events.

Our Advent Crown
Photographer: KCBC

Each year at our popular Carols by Candlelight Service David does a "trick"
this year it was getting eggs into glasses, he managed 6 at once.

Can you think of a caption for this one??

Photographer: KCBC

We had a real lamb at the KILTS nativity
Photographer: KCBC

Our KILTS helpers enjoying a Christmas meal
Photographer: KCBC

Our Friday Outing group Christmas gathering
Photographer: KCBC

Our Friday Outing group Christmas gathering
Photographer: KCBC

KCBC Travelling Nativity 2023

A big thank you to everyone who has been busy knitting and crocheting Angels as the keepsake in this year’s Travelling Nativity. Your endeavours are very much appreciated and as you can see we have a wonderful heavenly host!

Photographer: KCBC

As it travels around our KILTS’ community could we ask for prayer by the fellowship? By bringing KCBC’s Nativity into their home we pray each family is blessed and that amongst all the busyness they encounter the presence of Christ at this joyful and holy time of the year.
Thank you, Sue

Christian Response to Eastern Europe (CR2EE) collections

A message from Hugh of CR2EE

We are delighted to report, one week after loading or Christmas Truck has arrived and has been unloaded. Our friends in Moldova now have the huge task of delivering all these lovely Christmas Shoeboxes in time for Christmas. The boxes for Ukraine were sent on the previous truck.
The huge lorry also took several family boxes as well as many tonnes of other humanitarian aid.
As always our wonderful team have worked very hard to make all this possible.
We would like to thank our generous supporters who have donated everything and provided the finance to send this lorry, the next one is already being planned for January.
Please pray that all the recipients of shoeboxes and aid are truly blessed. Thank you to you all for the support.

Since Hugh came to talk to KCBC about CR2EE last year, Nick and Sarah have taken a carload (sometimes a trailer too) of aid to the warehouse in Exmouth each month. They are aware members of the fellowship have supported the charity in other ways too. Thank you KCBC for your support it really does make an enormous difference to the individuals and families who receive it. Nick and Sarah will continue to go to the warehouse on the first Wednesday of the month so please do carry on bringing any items you wish to donate to church.
If you would like further information or have anything to donate Nick & Sarah would be only too pleased to hear from you.

How you can help (171Kb)

Collection for THAT Harvest 2023

Dear Members,
Thank you so much for your harvest donation – we are most grateful for your support.
As you know, the cost of living crisis continues which sadly means we continue to see an increasing number of people needing our support, including an increase in the number of homeless . At the same time, food donations are decreasing meaning we need to buy-in more products to maintain our stock levels.
We are so appreciative of all those individuals and organisations who continue to support us – both with food and finances – without this generosity we could not assist those in greatest need in the local area.
Should your organisation know of any individual/family in need of assistance please do not hesitate to contact us (by phone or email) with their details and we will be happy to help.

With thanks
Yours sincerely

Hazel Harrison (Secretary)
On behalf of THAT

As part of our thanks to God for his provision we have regular collections for THAT.

Thank you to all those who donated both goods there was so much that we had two displays. It will all be greatly appreciated by local families in need.

Ram Fair 2023

Ram Fair Survey Results 2023 At the 2023 Ram Fair, people were asked for their preferred response to 3 questions about priorities in their life.
As the KCBC stand was themed on balance in life, it was an opportunity to say how we make choices when the pressure to balance is on.

So, no right answers and every response has its own good reasoning.
We had around 250 results for each question.

A big thank you to all who took part. The results are shown below.

How do you balance your life?

Our Easter Services

Each year a hardy group head to the banks of the Teign for the Son Rise - Sun Rise service, this year they were rewarded with a beautiful sunrise.

Photographer: KCBC

Christian Response to Eastern Europe (CR2EE) collections

Thank you to all those who have continued to donate items since Christmas, Nick and I took a car load to the warehouse in Exmouth this week.

Photographer: KCBC

We arrived at 12 and were the 17th car to turn up with donations with still more arriving. ?
There is an amazing team who were sorting items as they arrived, I think the pile to the left of the photo is what arrived today…

Photographer: KCBC

I understand that the next lorry is due to leave this month.

The warehouse is open the first Wednesday of each month and we hope to go up with a load each month.

How you can help (171Kb)

If you would like anymore information please talk to Sarah or Nick

Update from Christian Response to Eastern Europe (CR2EE)

Winter Newsletter from CR2EE (1.2Mb)

Our Christmas Collection for THAT

Thank You so much for your most generous food donation. We are especially grateful given the increasing cost of living which is affecting us all.

Sadly, we are seeing a steady increase in the number of people coming to us for assistance and are currently also supporting a number of Ukrainian families who are living locally.
We are providing food, toiletry and cleaning packs as well as Christmas “goody” boxes so are extremely busy.
We rely heavily on the generosity of the local community together with the dedication of our volunteers and manager to enable us to continue to support those in greatest need in our area.

Should your organisation know of any individual/family in need of assistance please do not hesitate to contact us (by phone or email) with their details and we will be happy to help.

Yours sincerely
Hazel (Secretary)
On behalf of THAT

THAT Food Bank (Teignbridge Homeless Action Today)
(Charity Number 1146610)
8 Queensway House
Newton Abbot
TQ12 4BA
01626 437310;;

Christmas Shoebox and humanitarian aid collection for CR2EE

We have been making shoeboxes and collecting clothes and other items of humanitarian aid to go to Moldova and Ukraine via Christian Response to Eastern Europe (CR2EE).

Shoe boxes for CR2EE
Photographer: KCBC
Date taken: 27/11/2022

David's car full of donations to CR2EE
Date taken: 27/11/2022

Click here to see a video of the lorry being loaded to go to Moldova and Ukraine

Christian Response to Eastern Europe cr2ee
If you are on Facebook check out their Facebook Group just search CR2EE

Collection for THAT Harvest 2022

As part of our thanks to God for his provision we have regular collections for THAT.

Thank you to all those who donated both goods there was so much that we had two displays. It will all be greatly appreciated by local families in need.

Harvest Collection for THAT
Photographer: Sue Furness

Harvest Collection for THAT
Photographer: Sue Furness

Collection for THAT 2022

As part of our thanks to God for his provision we have regular collections for THAT.
Thank you to all those who donated both goods there was so much that it did not fit on the display more bags in front) and cash. It will all be greatly appreciated by local families in need.

Collection for THAT June 2022

Ram Fair 2022

KCBC were at the Kingsteignton Ram Fair on Monday 2nd May 2022, giving fair-goers the opportunity to have a free group photo taken in a fun frame, to celebrate coming together again after the isolation caused by the pandemic. View your free photo below!

You can also see the results of our community survey which people took part in at the Ram Fair.

Easter Egg Chicks 2022

Rose is ready to ‘fledge’ the Chicks!

A big THANK YOU to all those who Knitted, nattered and prayed for the Easter egg chicks given to the toddlers at Kilts. They were a complete hit with the children, who responded with pure joy and excitement! Some of the parents seemed particularly touched that people in the church would do such a thing.

Harvest collection for THAT 2021

As part of our thanks to God for his provision we had a harvest collection for THAT.
Thank you to all those who donated both goods there was so much that it did not fit on the display more bags in front) and cash. It will all be greatly appreciated by local families in need.

5th October 2021

Rev David Goddard

Dear Congregation,
We were amazed at the large donation of harvest festival groceries together with some money that you delivered recently - we are so grateful for your continuing support.
With many thanks.

Yours sincerely

Hazel Harrison (Secretary)
On behalf of THAT

THAT Food Bank (Teignbridge Homeless Action Today)
(Charity Number 1146610)
8 Queensway House
Newton Abbot
TQ12 4BA
01626 437310;;

Our recent pet service

We held a service to celebrate our pets, how they are helping us through these strange times and to thank God for them.

Frodo the rabbit was calm at first and gradually got more inquisitive

David rabbiting on..

As you can see some pets (and owners) behaved better than others...

Harvest collection for THAT 2020

Thank you to all those who donated both goods and cash, it will all be greatly appreciated by local families in need.

Photographer: D Goddard
Date taken: 26/09/2020

Photographer: D Goddard
Date taken: 26/09/2020

THAT Food Bank (Teignbridge Homeless Action Today)
(Charity Number 1146610)
8 Queensway House
Newton Abbot
TQ12 4BA
01626 437310;;


Rev David Goddard
Kingsteignton Community Baptist Church
Dear David,

Please thank your congregation for their donation of food and £60.00.

We are most appreciative of your support at what is an unprecedented time where increasing numbers are facing financial difficulties.

We have been very busy during the Covid outbreak and are aware that the demand for our services is likely to increase. We give grateful thanks to our manager and volunteers who have continued to work during this time and to all those who have continued to support us enabling us to meet the needs of our local community.

Yours sincerely

Hazel Harrison (Secretary)
On behalf of THAT

Carols by Candlelight Service

A great time was had by all enjoying singing traditional carols and eating mince pies.
David, our resident mad scientist and minister, did his science bit for us again...

Here are a few photos

Advent candles
Photographer: Sarah Oddy

Photographer: Sarah Oddy

Photographer: Sarah Oddy

And now the science bit....

Photographer: Sarah Oddy

Photographer: Sarah Oddy

It was all going so well until he added a little too much....

Photographer: Sarah Oddy

Its OK folks. No minsters were injured during the making of the chemistry.

Ram Fair May 2019

Once again we had a stand at the ram fair.

Survey Results 2019 (415Kb)

Our Easter Services

Each year a hardy group head to the banks of the Teign for the Son Rise - Sun Rise service, this year they were rewarded with a beautiful sunrise. Here are a few photos

Photographer: KCBC

Photographer: KCBC

Photographer: KCBC

Palm Sunday Celebrations
Photographer: KCBC

Our 2019 April Collection for THAT

At KCBC we hold regular collections for THAT Teignbridge Homeless Action Today

Dear David,
Please thank your congregation for their donation of groceries and toiletries.
We supported over 700 people in the last 6 months through the provision of food parcels, toiletry and home start packs, bus and greengrocery vouchers and fuel top ups. We have a mentoring service offering support to vulnerable clients attending appointments at CAB, Housing, Job Centre etc and provide information and referrals to help clients towards better future outcomes.
As you are all aware the financial pressures on families is ever increasing and the demands made on food banks is also rising. We rely on the support of individuals, companies and local groups to enable us to provide for the needs of these local people.
Please pass our thanks on to your congregation for their continued support for our work.
Yours sincerely Hazel Harrison (Secretary)

Our Line Dancing evening

Our 2019 January Collection for THAT

THAT collection January 2019

At KCBC we hold regular collections for THAT Teignbridge Homeless Action Today

Ram Fair May 2018

Once again we had a stand at the ram fair.

Date taken: 28/05/2018

People were asked to answer the following 3 questions by putting counters into a tube representing their views. We had almost 200 results for each question.

'Impossible' Wire Buzzer Challenge

We had 5 people complete the 'impossible' challenge, looks like we'll have to rename it now! Well done to all who stepped up to the wire.

Our 2018 January Collection for THAT

THAT Collection January 2018

At KCBC we hold regular collections for THAT Teignbridge Homeless Action Today

Carols by Candlelight 2017

A great time was had by all enjoying singing traditional carols and eating mince pies.
David, our resident mad scientist and minister,showed us how to make our own lava lamps!

Photographer: Sarah Oddy

Photographer: Sarah Oddy

Photographer: Sarah Oddy

Earlier events